We offer three levels of cover to suit your needs:
Essentials, Essentials Plus and Premier. This way, you can choose which level of cover is best for you.
Please see our policy documents for full details of the cover and exclusions.
Home Insurance Policy (opens as PDF)
Insurance Product Information Document (opens as PDF)
Important Information Document (opens as PDF)
About our insurance services to you (opens as PDF)
What we don't cover
No matter what level of cover you choose, we won't be able to cover your home against wear and tear, or damage that happens gradually over time.
Exclusions, restrictions and limitations apply. Please see the policy document (opens as PDF) for full information of what is and isn’t covered. Here's some more detail to help you decide which level of cover you need.
*Contents sum insured
Exclusions, restrictions and limitations apply. Please see the policy document (opens as PDF) for full information of what is and isn’t covered.
* If you previously chose matching items under your cover, this will still be included on your policy. Please see your Policy Schedule for details.
* If you previously chose matching items under your cover, this will still be included on your policy. Please see your Policy Schedule for details.
Exclusions, restrictions and limitations apply. Please see the policy document (opens as PDF) for full information of what is and isn’t covered. Here's some more detail to help you decide which level of cover you need.
Proving your loss
Please read your policy documents carefully
Your policy doesn't cover you against everything that can happen. Please read your policy documents carefully so you know what you're covered for.
You need to look after your home
Your policy doesn't cover wear and tear, or damage that happens gradually over time. So you still need to look after and maintain your home. This sort of damage is most common on guttering, flat roofs, fascia boards and boundary walls, so check them regularly.
We offer three levels of cover to suit your needs: Essentials, Essentials Plus and Premier. This way you can choose which level of cover is best for you.
Please see our policy documents for full details of the cover and exclusions.
Insurance Product Information Document
What we don't cover
No matter what level of cover you choose, we won't be able to cover your home against wear and tear, or damage that happens gradually over time.
Exclusions, restrictions and limitations apply. Please see the policy document (opens as PDF) for full information of what is and isn’t covered. Here's some more detail to help you decide which level of cover you need.
*Contents sum insured
Exclusions, restrictions and limitations apply. Please see the policy document (opens as PDF) for full information of what is and isn’t covered.
* If you previously chose matching items under your cover, this will still be included on your policy. Please see your Policy Schedule for details.
* If you previously chose matching items under your cover, this will still be included on your policy. Please see your Policy Schedule for details.
Exclusions, restrictions and limitations apply. Please see the policy document (opens as PDF) for full information of what is and isn’t covered. Here's some more detail to help you decide which level of cover you need.
Proving your loss
Please read your policy documents carefully
Your policy doesn't cover you against everything that can happen. Please read your policy documents carefully so you know what you're covered for.
You need to look after your home
Your policy doesn't cover wear and tear, or damage that happens gradually over time. So you still need to look after and maintain your home. This sort of damage is most common on guttering, flat roofs, fascia boards and boundary walls, so check them regularly.
We apply administration and cancellation fees and charges under certain circumstances as shown in the following table:
Scenarios | Will I pay an admin fee |
We, or you cancel the policy within the 14 day cooling off period (before cover has started) | No |
We, or you cancel the policy within the 14 day cooling off period (after cover has started) | No |
We, or you cancel the policy after the 14 day cooling off period has ended | £30* |
You make a change to your policy | £12* |
*Plus Insurance Premium Tax at the appropriate rate.
For further information on our fees and charges please refer to your policy booklet.
The standard risks we cover are:
If your house keys are lost or stolen, we’ll pay to replace the locks for outside doors, domestic safes or alarms up to the limit shown.
If your home is damaged by someone getting in to deal with a medical emergency or prevent damage to the home, we’ll pay up to the sum insured to repair the damage.
This gives you protection if – as the owner – you’re held legally responsible for accidental bodily injury to someone, or for loss or damage to their property.
If you have to move out of your home because it’s been damaged by something insured under your policy, we will pay for alternative accommodation for you and your pets. If your tenant has to move out because of damage insured under your policy, we will pay you any loss of rental income or for their alternative accommodation.
If a water leak in your home is causing damage, we’ll cover you up to the limit shown of £5000 for Essentials Plus and Premier cover to find the source of the leak and make good after it’s been fixed. We’ll also pay to fix the leak if it’s caused by an insured event.
Accidental damage is damage caused suddenly and unexpectedly by an outside force. It doesn’t include breakdowns or faults, or damage due to faulty workmanship or design.
This covers accidental damage to fixed glass and sanitary fittings in the buildings, including baths, washbasins, solar panel units, shower trays and screens, and also pipes and cables which service the buildings.
The standard risks we cover are:
This is the standard amount we’ll pay for all the valuables under your policy. Valuables include things like stamp, coin or medal collections, pictures, other works of art, items of gold, silver or any other precious metal, jewellery, watches and furs.
You can choose to increase this cover limit up to £20,000, and the valuables limit you choose is part of your overall contents sum insured.
For example: You chose £40,000 as your contents sum insured and a £10,000 valuables limit. Your home contents were completely destroyed. We would pay up to £10,000 for valuables, but wouldn’t pay more than £40,000 overall for everything.
This is the limit on a single valuable item. Valuables are things like stamp, coin or medal collections, pictures, other works of art, items of gold, silver or any other precious metal, jewellery, watches and furs. We don’t place a single item limit on things we don’t define as valuables.
If you want to insure a single valuable item for over £1,500, you’ll need to specify it separately. If you only want it covered while you’re at home, you’ll need to add it as specified contents. If you want to insure it both at home and away, you’ll need to add it as a specified personal belongings item.
If an intruder or a fire at your home seriously injures someone in your household and they die within three months, we will pay you £5000. There is no excess for you to pay.
If your home’s contents are damaged by someone getting in to deal with a medical emergency or prevent damage to the home, we’ll pay up to the sum insured to repair the damage.
If you have to move out of your home because it’s been damaged by something insured under your policy, we will pay for alternative accommodation for you and your pets. If your tenant has to move out because of damage insured under your policy, we will pay you any loss of rental income or for their alternative accommodation.
We’ll pay for loss of personal money in your home up to a limit of £250 for Essentials, £750 for Essentials Plus and £1000 for Premier cover. As well as cash, this also includes things like travel tickets, gift vouchers, season tickets and phone cards. It doesn’t cover theft unless someone has broken into or out of the home using force or has got into the home by deception.
This covers contents that have been temporarily removed from your home to another property in the British Isles. You can see full details of this cover and exclusions in our policy document.
If you want more extensive cover outside the home, you’ll need to add personal belongings cover.
This covers contents in the open, as long as they’re in your home’s boundaries. It covers loss or damage by the standard risks, but doesn’t cover bikes.
We’ll pay up to the £1,500 for Essentials level, £3,000 for Essentials Plus level and £5,000 for Premier level for theft of contents from garages and outbuildings, and up to the contents sum insured for other insured damage like fire.
This covers loss or damage to clerical business equipment which you use at home. This includes office furniture, computers, printers and so on. We cover business equipment for both standard risks and accidental damage, though accidental damage cover doesn’t apply to mobile phones and portable computer equipment.
If your house keys are lost or stolen, we’ll pay to replace the locks for outside doors, domestic safes or alarms up to the limit shown.
We’ll pay to replace spoilt food in your home freezer which has been damaged by an accidental change in temperature, including if your freezer breaks down, you accidentally turn it off or there is a power cut. This doesn’t include power cuts due to the supplier deliberately turning it off or due to strike action.
We’ll cover lost heating fuel or metered water. This includes oil stolen from your tank, or lost fuel or water from a damaged fuel tank or water system.
If any visitors’ personal belongings are lost or damaged by standard risks while they’re at your home, this covers replacing their property.
We’ll increase the sum insured for contents by the amounts shown on your schedule during any month you are celebrating a religious festival and the 30 days before and after a wedding in the household. This covers gifts and food bought for the events.
If the title deeds to your home are destroyed in the home by an insured cause, this covers having fresh documents drawn up.
This covers accidental damage to home entertainment equipment, non-portable computer equipment, aerials, mirrors and fixed glass in furniture.
We’ll cover your contents while they’re being moved from your home to your new home by professional removers. This includes up to 7 days in furniture storage. This only applies if we cover your current home and the incident happens during the period of insurance.
This gives you protection if – as the occupier – you’re held legally responsible for accidental bodily injury to someone, or for loss or damage to their property. Occupier’s liability includes incidents where you may be held responsible because you’re the occupier, like someone having a fall because you’ve left your path in a dangerous and slippery state after clearing snow. Personal liability covers other things like accidentally injuring someone or damaging their property with a golf ball.
If you have a domestic employee (like a cleaner or gardener), you may be held legally responsible if they’re injured or their property is damaged while they are working for you. This cover gives you financial protection for compensation which you may have to pay.
If you’re a tenant and are held legally responsible for damage to your landlord’s building, we’ll pay to repair damage caused by an insured event.
Add cover for accidental damage to your buildings. This can include putting your foot through the ceiling while you’re in the loft or accidentally putting a hot pan on your worktop.
Accidental damage is damage caused suddenly and unexpectedly by an outside force. It doesn’t include breakdowns or faults, or damage due to faulty workmanship or design.
This covers accidental damage to fixed glass and sanitary fittings in the buildings, including baths, washbasins, solar panel units, shower trays and screens, and also pipes and cables which service the buildings.
Keeping your sets as perfect as before. Imagine if you broke the hand basin in your bathroom suite, and we couldn't find you an exact match to your toilet and bath for a replacement. With this cover, we’ll give you extra protection to cover the cost (up to £10,000) of replacing the undamaged items in the pair, set or suite if we can’t find a match. This also covers fitted furniture or tiles in a toilet, shower room, bathroom, kitchen, utility room or bedroom.
Protect if you have 5 years NCD. If you have five years of NCD, you can choose to protect it. This lets you make two buildings claims in a five year period without losing any discount. A third claim during that period means you lose all your buildings discount.
This covers accidental damage to home entertainment equipment, non-portable computer equipment, aerials, mirrors and fixed glass in furniture.
Accidents can happen. This covers you up to your contents sum insured for accidental damage to most contents. It doesn’t cover clothing, contact lenses, stamps, food in freezers or bikes.
Protect if you have 5 years NCD. If you have five years of NCD, you can choose to protect it. This lets you make two contents claims in a five year period without losing any discount. A third claim during that period results in your discount stepping back three years on our scale, and a fourth claim means you lose all your contents discount.
All your bikes, wherever they are. This gives you wider bike cover than we’d normally include in your contents insurance. We’ll cover all your household’s bikes for theft, accidental loss and damage, including incidents away from your home, anywhere in the world.
You should choose a sum insured which is high enough to cover your most expensive bike, and we’ll cover each of your bikes up to this limit.
We will not cover theft of bikes unless they were in your immediate custody, securely locked to an object that can’t be moved, locked in a boot that has been broken into or in a locked building. We will not cover electrically-assisted pedal bikes.
Keep your sets looking as they should. Imagine if one chair from your three piece suite is ruined, and we can’t match it exactly for a replacement. With this cover, we’ll give you extra protection to cover the cost (up to your contents and personal belongings limits) of replacing the undamaged items in the pair, set or suite if we can’t find a match.
Cover plants, furniture and toys outside. Our extra cover includes up to £2,500 for re-landscaping costs if your plants get damaged by certain causes (including collision or malicious damage) or if plants are stolen. We’ll also raise our £500 cover for contents in your garden to £1,500. This covers things like garden furniture, toys or even washing left out to dry.
Protect your stuff wherever you are. This gives you more cover than our standard contents policy. It covers your belongings for theft, accidental loss or damage, including incidents occurring away from your home, anywhere in the world.
We cover personal belongings including clothing, jewellery, cameras, and luggage. We cover individual items up to £1,500, though you can add more valuable items as specified personal belongings. We don’t automatically cover laptops and hearing aids unless you specify them. We also cover personal money up to £500 and credit cards up to £1,000.
Extra cover for car break-ins. Personal belongings cover (including specified personal belongings and bikes) will only cover items stolen from an unattended vehicle if they’re taken from a locked and concealed boot, concealed luggage compartment or closed glove compartment, and only if the vehicle was securely locked and broken into with force and violence. The most we will pay for theft from vehicles is £1,500.
This covers things you normally carry or wear in and outside the home worth over £1,500. You’ll need to specify anything worth more than £1,500 which you want to be covered away from your home, such as electronic goods and jewellery. You’ll need to specify any laptops or hearing aids that you want covered, even if they’re worth less than £1,500.
Valuables worth over £1,500. To ensure that you have the correct level of protection certain items need to be individually listed on your policy as a "specified item".
These items are Valuables (stamp, coin or medal collections, pictures, other works of art, items of gold, silver or other precious metal, jewellery, watches and furs) individually worth over £1,500. You should only include these as a specified contents item if you only want to cover them while in your home. If you want to cover any of the items while they are away from your home too then they should be insured as specified personal belongings instead.
Legal advice and cover for your life, not only your home. This is an optional cover which you can add to your home insurance. We can provide you with a lawyer and up to £100,000 of legal funding to pursue or defend cases in court. The cover can be used by anyone in your family who lives with you and if your case is successful you will not have to pay any costs to us from your award. You will be able to claim for the following types of dispute:
The lawyer will discuss your case with you and represent you if it is more likely than not that you will be successful. Further conditions and cover limits apply to the use of lawyers not appointed by us.
For more information please see our Home Insurance Policy Document (opens as PDF).
Home emergency cover provides you with assistance for a sudden and unforeseen event. This can include the breakdown of your central heating, damage to your roof or finding mice or rats in your house.